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Arthur Roberts Collection

 Unprocessed Material — Multiple Containers
Identifier: 2007-05

Acquisition Type


Restrictions Apply


Access Restrictions

Collection is available for research

Use Restrictions

George Fox University owns the copyright to some, but not all, of the materials housed in its archives. Copyright for materials authored or otherwise produced as official business of George Fox University is retained by George Fox University and requires its permission for publication. Copyright status for other collection materials varies. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.


  • 1880-1931; 1960-2007; 2009; 2013



8.3 Cubic Feet (.75 is held in a non-archival box; 7 cubic feet is held in record boxes; .5 is held in document box; one folder)


Alaska; American Friend BAD-1: Drawings by Evan Thomas; Alaska Haworth Photo; Alaska Original Drawings; Harry Haworth; Noorvik, Alaska Friends in Alaska; Alaska Land Selection; Alaska Mission Diaries; "Arthur and Fern Roberts Day"; Summary and Analysis of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement; NANA Regional Corporation, Inc.; KIAWAK; Americana Maritime History Polar Regions Juvenile Literature Journalism; The Alaska Journal; The Church in Alaska's Past; Alaska Life on the Last Frontier; Review of Business and Economic Conditions; Bayfront; Ocean Beach Dwellers of the Cape Krustenstern Area: Subsistence Patterns; Alaska Information; Newspaper Clippings; Map of the United States; Alaska Pictures The Hanson Papers; Print Ready Mss; Introduction/Inventory; Materials/Pictures; Microfilm Master Reel and 6 Duplicates; Research Files; Correspondence China Trip; Loose Material; China Scholarship Fund; China; Assorted Pictures Descriptive Brochures; Briefings and Itinerary; China Tour; Shelley--Guide; China Program; Promotion; Publicity Information; Lecture Notes--Historical Materials; China: Future Visits; Northwest China Council Newsletter; ELIC--Teaching in China; 1982 Visit; Historical Terms; September Term; China Tour Correspondence; Bibliography and Syllabus; Letters; Personal Papers; China Slide Narration; China Tour Folkways Agreements; England Trip Box 15 of 19: Alaska Research; Corrections; Tomorrow is Growing Old; Ruth Egak; Mark Ocker; Minthorn Research; National Endowment for the Humanities; Alaska Quaker Documents Microfilmin; Ministry Correspondence; Bob Uhl Box 16 of 19; Bob Uhl's Story; C. Samms; R. Glover Journal; Thomas Danay; Thomas Otha; D. Thomas; O. Thomas Box 17 of 19: Alaska; The Alaskan Diary of Pioneer Quaker Missionary; Alaska Missions Document Inventory; Anchorage Museum; Alaska's Whaling Problems; Beck Correspondence; Biblio Code; Alfred Brooks Collection "Schools and Missions"; Buckland; California Yearly Meeting Archives; Eskimo Stories; Fairbanks Friends Church; Bon Charles Human Geographical Studies in Northwestern Arctic Alaska; Foster Material; Weiler Collection; Martha Hadley; The Elmer and Emily Harnden Information and Diary; Matilda Haworth; William Healey Interview; Martha Hunnicutt from Joyce Collection--includes Eskimo Stories; Indian Policies; Intercultural Visit Natvie Eskimos--Alaska and Siberia; Juneau; Kobuk; Middleton; Linguistics; Kotzebue Center--GFC Box 18 of 19: Original Manuscript for Tomorrow is Growing Old; Quakers in Alaska; Friends Education S.E. Alaska