Vice President of Academic Affairs Records
Content Description
Office of Academic Affairs Records from the Vice President of Academic Affairs. This spans the terms of Lee Nash and Dick Barram. Contains materials related to associations and accredidation for George Fox College and Western Evangelical Seminary, Century Campaigns, budget, GFC committees, Departments, Facutly Conferences, and GFC Bulletins. Very useful for research on the years immeadiately before George Fox became a university.
Acquisition Type
Restrictions Apply
Access Restrictions
Collections available for research.
Use Restrictions
George Fox University owns the copyright to some, but not all, of the materials housed in its archives. Copyright for materials authored or otherwise produced as official business of George Fox University is retained by George Fox University and requires its permission for publication. Copyright status for other collection materials varies. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C) beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.
- 1905-1996
- Majority of material found within 1986 - 1991
- Nash, Lee M., Dr., Dean of Students (Compiler, Person)
2 Cubic Feet (held in two record boxes)
Box 1: 1971-1996 Series: I. Associations and Organizations II. Campaigns and Budget III. Committees IV. Departments Box 2. V. Faculty Conference VI. Publications Box 2: 1905-1972 Faculty Conference Publications
- Nash, Lee M., Dr., Dean of Students (Compiler, Person)
- Barram, Dirk (Vice President of Academic Affairs, George Fox College) (Compiler, Person)