Showing Collections: 281 - 287 of 287
Jack Willcuts Northwest Yearly Meeting Superintendent Records
The Northwest Yearly Meeting superintendant's records from the term of Jack Willcuts including pastoral reports and church surveys.
Jack Willcuts Papers
Jack Willcuts was a prominent Quaker leader and author. This collection includes correspondence,scrapbooks, research materials, records pertaining to church affiliations, and some biographical information. It also includes some personal/editorial writings.
Wade and Mabel Williams Photograph Collection
Millie R. Willis Autograph Album
Autograph Album of Millie R. Wills dated 1887-1892
Carrie B. Wood Diary
Carrie B. Wood, a Quaker missionary to India from 1908 to 1948, kept a diary for over 60 years, spending her last years at Friendsview Manor in Newberg, Oregon. She compiled a handwritten list of the deaths of Friendsview residents from 1961-1967 in the final pages of her diary.
An Existential Interpretation of the Doctrine of Holiness by Mildred Wynkoop
First draft manuscript of Wynkoop's "An Existential Interpretation of the Doctrine of Holiness."